drop table tab1;
create table tab1(col1 int,col2 int,col3 varchar(10) );
create index ind11 on tab1(col1);
insert into tab1 values(1,100,'off');
insert into tab1 values(2,100,'off');
insert into tab1 values(3,100,'off');
select * from tab1;
-- session1
start transaction;
select * from tab1 where col2 = 100 and col3 = 'off' order by col1 limit 1 for update;
-- session2
start transaction;
select * from tab1 where col2 = 100 and col3 = 'off' order by col1 limit 1 for update;
start transaction;
select * from tab1 where col2 = 100 and col3 = 'off' order by col1 limit 1 for update skip locked;
→col1 = 2 の行でロック取得できる
drop table tab1 purge;
create table tab1(col1 int,col2 int,col3 varchar2(10) );
create index ind11 on tab1(col1);
insert into tab1 values(1,100,'off');
insert into tab1 values(2,100,'off');
insert into tab1 values(3,100,'off');
select * from tab1;
-- session1
select * from tab1 where col2 = 100 and col3 = 'off' order by col1 fetch first 1 rows only for update;
→ORA-02014: DISTINCT、GROUP BYなどを含むビューに対してFOR UPDATE句を使用できません
select * from tab1 where col2 = 100 and col3 = 'off' and rownum <= 1 for update;
-- session2
select * from tab1 where col2 = 100 and col3 = 'off' and rownum <= 1 for update;
select * from tab1 where col2 = 100 and col3 = 'off' and rownum <= 1 for update skip locked;
cursor cur1 is select * from tab1 where col2 = 100 and col3 = 'off' order by col1;
rtab1 tab1%rowtype;
for c1 in cur1 loop
select * into rtab1 from tab1 where col1 = c1.col1 for update;
update tab1 set col3 = 'on' where col1 = c1.col1 ;
when no_data_found then
end loop;
cursor cur1 is select * from tab1 where col2 = 100 and col3 = 'off' order by col1;
rtab1 tab1%rowtype;
for c1 in cur1 loop
select * into rtab1 from tab1 where col1 = c1.col1 for update skip locked;
update tab1 set col3 = 'on' where col1 = c1.col1 ;
when no_data_found then
end loop;
→col1 = 2 の行でロック取得できる
drop table tab1;
create table tab1(col1 int,col2 int,col3 varchar(10) );
create index ind11 on tab1(col1);
insert into tab1 values(1,100,'off');
insert into tab1 values(2,100,'off');
insert into tab1 values(3,100,'off');
select * from tab1;
-- session1
start transaction;
select * from tab1 where col2 = 100 and col3 = 'off' order by col1 limit 1 for update;
-- session2
start transaction;
select * from tab1 where col2 = 100 and col3 = 'off' order by col1 limit 1 for update;
start transaction;
select * from tab1 where col2 = 100 and col3 = 'off' order by col1 limit 1 for update skip locked;
→col1 = 2 の行でロック取得できる
drop table tab1;
create table tab1(col1 int,col2 int,col3 varchar(10) );
create index ind11 on tab1(col1);
insert into tab1 values(1,100,'off');
insert into tab1 values(2,100,'off');
insert into tab1 values(3,100,'off');
select * from tab1;
-- session1
begin transaction;
select top 1 * from tab1 WITH (UPDLOCK,ROWLOCK,READPAST) where col2 = 100 and col3 = 'off' order by col1;
-- session2
begin transaction;
select top 1 * from tab1 WITH (UPDLOCK,ROWLOCK) where col2 = 100 and col3 = 'off' order by col1;
begin transaction;
select top 1 * from tab1 WITH (UPDLOCK,ROWLOCK,READPAST) where col2 = 100 and col3 = 'off' order by col1;
→col1 = 2 の行でロック取得できる