system-versioned temporal tables



-- 設定

conn / as sysdba
drop flashback archive fla1;
create flashback archive default fla1 tablespace users quota 1G retention 1 month;

select * from dba_flashback_archive;
select * from dba_flashback_archive_ts;


-- 動作確認
conn test/test

alter session set nls_date_format ='yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss';

alter table tab1 no flashback archive;
drop table tab1 purge;

create table tab1 (
col1 int ,
col2 int ,
primary key (col1)

alter table tab1 flashback archive fla1;

select sysdate from dual;
insert into tab1 values (1,1);
insert into tab1 values (2,1);
insert into tab1 values (3,1);
insert into tab1 values (4,1);
select sysdate from dual;

select * from tab1;

select sysdate from dual;
update tab1 set col2=col2*10 where col1=4;
select sysdate from dual;

select * from tab1;

---- 特定時点のデータを取得

select * from tab1 as of timestamp to_timestamp('2021/02/27 20:37:22','yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss');



-- インストール
yum search pgxn
yum install pgxnclient.x86_64
yum install postgresql96-devel.x86_64

pgxn install temporal_tables --pg_config=/usr/pgsql-9.6/bin/pg_config

su - postgres
psql test

CREATE EXTENSION temporal_tables;
\dx temporal_tables
\dx+ temporal_tables

-- 動作確認

drop table tab1;
drop table tab1_history;

create table tab1 (
col1 int ,
col2 int ,
primary key (col1)

alter table tab1 add column a_period tstzrange not null;

create table tab1_history (like tab1);

create trigger tab1_hist_trigger before insert or update or delete on tab1 for each row
execute procedure versioning('a_period', 'tab1_history', true);

insert into tab1 values (1,1);
insert into tab1 values (2,1);
insert into tab1 values (3,1);
insert into tab1 values (4,1);

select * from tab1;
select * from tab1_history;

select now();
update tab1 set col2=col2*10 where col1=4;

select * from tab1;
select * from tab1_history;

---- system_timeとして特定時刻を設定する
select set_system_time('2021-08-01 11:12:13+09');

---- system_timeとして現在時刻に設定を戻す
select set_system_time(null);

---- 特定時点のデータを取得

select * from tab1
where a_period @> '2021-03-01'::timestamp with time zone
union all
select * from tab1_history
where a_period @> '2021-03-01'::timestamp with time zone



alter table dbo.tab1 set (system_versioning = off);
drop table dbo.tab1;
drop table dbo.tab1_history;

create table dbo.tab1 (
col1 int not null,
col2 int ,
a_period_start datetime2 generated always as row start not null,
a_period_end datetime2 generated always as row end not null,
primary key (col1),
period for system_time(a_period_start,a_period_end)
system_versioning = on (history_table=dbo.tab1_history)


insert into tab1(col1,col2) values (1,1);
insert into tab1(col1,col2) values (2,1);
insert into tab1(col1,col2) values (3,1);
insert into tab1(col1,col2) values (4,1);

select * from tab1;
select * from tab1_history;

select getdate();
update tab1 set col2=col2*10 where col1=4;

select * from tab1;
select * from tab1_history;

---- 特定時点のデータを取得

select * from tab1
for system_time as of '2021-02-27 12:00:33.6617179'
