-- テストデータ作成

drop table tab1;
create table tab1(col1 int primary key,col2 varchar(10));
insert into tab1 values(1,'A');
insert into tab1 values(2,'A');
insert into tab1 values(3,'A');
insert into tab1 values(11,'A');
insert into tab1 values(12,'A');
insert into tab1 values(13,'A');
select * from tab1 order by col1;

-- 挙動確認
---- Session1
select @@session.transaction_isolation;
set session transaction_isolation = 'REPEATABLE-READ';
select @@session.transaction_isolation;

start transaction;
--start transaction WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT;

---- Session2

select * from tab1 order by col1;
update tab1 set col2 = 'AA';
select * from tab1 order by col1;

---- Session1
select * from tab1 order by col1;

WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOTなしの場合、start transaction~最初のselect文までの更新は反映される
WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOTありの場合、start transaction~最初のselect文までの更新は反映されない

---- Session2

select * from tab1 order by col1;
insert into tab1 values(4,'A');
select * from tab1 order by col1;

---- Session1

select * from tab1 order by col1;


---- Session2

select * from tab1 order by col1;
update tab1 set col2 = 'B' where col1 = 2;
select * from tab1 order by col1;

---- Session1

select * from tab1 order by col1;

---- Session2

select * from tab1 order by col1;
delete from tab1 where col1 = 3;
select * from tab1 order by col1;

---- Session1

select * from tab1 order by col1;


---- Session1

select * from tab1 order by col1;
insert into tab1 values(14,'A');
select * from tab1 order by col1;

select * from tab1 order by col1;
update tab1 set col2 = 'B' where col1 = 12;
select * from tab1 order by col1;

select * from tab1 order by col1;
delete from tab1 where col1 = 13;
select * from tab1 order by col1;


select * from tab1 order by col1;
update tab1 set col2 = 'X';
select * from tab1 order by col1;



ANSI/ISO SQL標準のREPEATABLE READで許されているファントムリードも原則発生しないが、



※SET TRANSACTIONはトランザクション内で最初に指定する必要がある

-- テストデータ作成

drop table tab1;
create table tab1(col1 int primary key,col2 varchar(10));
insert into tab1 values(1,'A');
insert into tab1 values(2,'A');
insert into tab1 values(3,'A');
insert into tab1 values(11,'A');
insert into tab1 values(12,'A');
insert into tab1 values(13,'A');
select * from tab1 order by col1;

-- 挙動確認
---- Session1
start transaction;
show transaction isolation level;
set transaction isolation level repeatable read;
show transaction isolation level;

---- Session2

select * from tab1 order by col1;
update tab1 set col2 = 'AA';
select * from tab1 order by col1;

---- Session1
select * from tab1 order by col1;

→start transaction~最初のselect文までの更新は反映される

---- Session2

select * from tab1 order by col1;
insert into tab1 values(4,'A');
select * from tab1 order by col1;

---- Session1

select * from tab1 order by col1;


---- Session2

select * from tab1 order by col1;
update tab1 set col2 = 'B' where col1 = 2;
select * from tab1 order by col1;

---- Session1

select * from tab1 order by col1;

---- Session2

select * from tab1 order by col1;
delete from tab1 where col1 = 3;
select * from tab1 order by col1;

---- Session1

select * from tab1 order by col1;


---- Session1

select * from tab1 order by col1;
insert into tab1 values(14,'A');
select * from tab1 order by col1;

select * from tab1 order by col1;
update tab1 set col2 = 'B' where col1 = 12;
select * from tab1 order by col1;

select * from tab1 order by col1;
delete from tab1 where col1 = 13;
select * from tab1 order by col1;


select * from tab1 order by col1;
update tab1 set col2 = 'X';
select * from tab1 order by col1;

ERROR: could not serialize access due to concurrent update


ANSI/ISO SQL標準のREPEATABLE READで許されているファントムリードも発生しないが、



-- テストデータ作成

drop table tab1;
create table tab1(col1 int primary key,col2 varchar(10));
insert into tab1 values(1,'A');
insert into tab1 values(2,'A');
insert into tab1 values(3,'A');
insert into tab1 values(11,'A');
insert into tab1 values(12,'A');
insert into tab1 values(13,'A');
select * from tab1 order by col1;

-- 挙動確認
---- Session1

dbcc useroptions
set transaction isolation level repeatable read
dbcc useroptions

begin transaction;

---- Session2

select * from tab1 order by col1;
update tab1 set col2 = 'AA';
select * from tab1 order by col1;

---- Session1
select * from tab1 order by col1;
--select * from tab1 where col1 = 3;

→start transaction~最初のselect文までの更新は反映される

---- Session2

select * from tab1 order by col1;
insert into tab1 values(4,'A');
select * from tab1 order by col1;

---- Session1

select * from tab1 order by col1;


---- Session2

select * from tab1 order by col1;
update tab1 set col2 = 'B' where col1 = 2;
--delete from tab1 where col1 = 1;



ANSI/ISO SQL標準どおりの挙動と思われる。