Oracle create or replace procedure proc1(p1 in integer) as ret integer; begin update tab1 set col1 = p1; commit;exception when others then raise;end;/ execute proc1(999); MySQL SHOW PROCEDURE STATUS\GSHOW CREATE PROCEDURE proc1; delimiter …
Oracle create or replace function func1 return integer as ret integer; begin select nvl(max(col1),0) into ret from tab1; return ret;exception when others then return -1;end;/ select func1 from dual; MySQL SHOW FUNCTION STATUS\Gshow create …
Oracle create index ind1 on tab1(col1);create index ind21 on tab2(col2); MySQL alter table tab7 add primary key(col1);alter table tab7 add index ind71 (col2);alter table tab7 add unique ind72(col3); alter table tab6 add index ind63(col2); …
Oracle create table tab1(col1 int); create table tab2(col1 int,col2 varchar2(10), col3 date);alter table tab2 add constraint tab2p primary key (col1); MySQL --テーブル確認show tables;show tables from test;show tables in test;show full tabl…
Oracle ※Oracleの場合ユーザ=スキーマ MySQL ※MySQLの場合データベース=スキーマ PostgreSQL \dn+ create schema schema1 authorization user1; SQL Server CREATE SCHEMA schema1;GO use [test]GODENY SELECT ON SCHEMA::[schema1] TO [ichiro]GO
Oracle create tablespace tbs1 datafile '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/tbs1.dbf' size 10M autoextend on maxsize unlimited; MySQL (5.7)からInnoDBでも作成可能 select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_SYS_TABLESPACES; CREATE TABLESPACE `tbs1` AD…
Oracle create user user1 identified by "user1"default tablespace userstemporary tablespace tempquota unlimited on users; create user test identified by test; grant dba to user1;grant dba to test; MySQL select * from mysql.user; create user…
Oracle create role role1;grant select any table to role1; MySQL (8.0)create database app_db; CREATE ROLE 'app_developer', 'app_read', 'app_write'; GRANT ALL ON app_db.* TO 'app_developer';GRANT SELECT ON app_db.* TO 'app_read';GRANT INSERT…
Oracle startup shutdown immediate; MySQL --自動起動設定systemctl enable mysqld.service --DB起動systemctl start mysqld.service --DB停止systemctl stop mysqld.service PostgreSQL (9.4)--自動起動設定systemctl enable postgresql-9.4.service --DB…
Oracle (12cR1) vim /home/oracle/.bash_profile export ORACLE_SID=orclexport ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1export NLS_LANG=Japanese_Japan.AL32UTF8export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin . /home/oracle/.bash_profile mkdir -p /…
Oracle プロプラエタリ MySQL (5.6)参考 : http://d.hatena.ne.jp/yk5656/20140729/1407026787 yum -y install wget cmake gcc gcc-c++ ncurses-devel perl mkdir /usr/local/mysql cd /usr/local/src/wget http://dev.mysql.com/get/Downloads/MySQL-5.6/my…
MySQL (5.6) 参考URL : https://weblabo.oscasierra.net/installing-mysql57-centos7-yum/OS : CentOS7.6DBバージョン : 5.6.42DBパスワード : password匿名ユーザ削除 : するリモートrootログイン禁止 : するテストDB削除 : する権限テーブルリロード : す…