
調べた限り、Left-deep JoinとRight-deep Joinを制御する方法なし





SWAP_JOIN_INPUTSヒント -> Build表にする
NO_SWAP_JOIN_INPUTSヒント -> Probe表にする

-- データ準備
drop table tab1 purge;
drop table tab2 purge;
drop table tab3 purge;

create table tab1(col1 int,col2 int);
create table tab2(col1 int,col2 int);
create table tab3(col1 int,col2 int);


for i in 1..100000 loop
insert into tab1 values(i,mod(i,10));
insert into tab2 values(i,mod(i,10));
insert into tab3 values(i,mod(i,10));
end loop;

execute dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('TEST','TAB1');
execute dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('TEST','TAB2');
execute dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('TEST','TAB3');

-- 確認
explain plan for
select /*+ USE_HASH(t1 t3) LEADING(t2 t1 t3) SWAP_JOIN_INPUTS(t3) */
from tab1 t1
inner join tab2 t2
on t1.col1 = t2.col1
inner join tab3 t3
on t1.col1 = t3.col1
and t2.col1 = t3.col1

select plan_table_output from table(dbms_xplan.display(format=>'ALL') );



(12)3 USE_HASH(t2 t3) LEADING(t1 t2 t3) NO_SWAP_JOIN_INPUTS(t3)
1(23) USE_HASH(t3 t1) LEADING(t2 t3 t1) SWAP_JOIN_INPUTS(t1)

(13)2 USE_HASH(t3 t2) LEADING(t1 t3 t2) NO_SWAP_JOIN_INPUTS(t2)
1(32) USE_HASH(t2 t1) LEADING(t3 t2 t1) SWAP_JOIN_INPUTS(t1)

(21)3 USE_HASH(t1 t3) LEADING(t2 t1 t3) NO_SWAP_JOIN_INPUTS(t3)
2(13) USE_HASH(t3 t2) LEADING(t1 t3 t2) SWAP_JOIN_INPUTS(t2)

(23)1 USE_HASH(t3 t1) LEADING(t2 t3 t1) NO_SWAP_JOIN_INPUTS(t1)
2(31) USE_HASH(t1 t2) LEADING(t3 t1 t2) SWAP_JOIN_INPUTS(t2)

(31)2 USE_HASH(t1 t2) LEADING(t3 t1 t2) NO_SWAP_JOIN_INPUTS(t2)
3(12) USE_HASH(t2 t3) LEADING(t1 t2 t3) SWAP_JOIN_INPUTS(t3)

(32)1 USE_HASH(t2 t1) LEADING(t3 t2 t1) NO_SWAP_JOIN_INPUTS(t1)
3(21) USE_HASH(t1 t3) LEADING(t2 t1 t3) SWAP_JOIN_INPUTS(t3)

NLについては、Left-deep Joinのみで、Right-deep Joinはない



-- データ準備
drop table tab1;
drop table tab2;
drop table tab3;

create table tab1(col1 int,col2 int);
create table tab2(col1 int,col2 int);
create table tab3(col1 int,col2 int);

insert into tab1 select generate_series(1,100000),mod(generate_series(1,100000),10);
insert into tab2 select generate_series(1,100000),mod(generate_series(1,100000),10);
insert into tab3 select generate_series(1,100000),mod(generate_series(1,100000),10);

analyze tab1;
analyze tab2;
analyze tab3;

-- 確認

/*+ Leading(( (t3 t2) t1 )) HashJoin(t3 t2) HashJoin(t3 t2 t1) */
select t1.col1,t1.col2,t2.col1,t2.col2,t3.col1,t3.col2
from tab1 t1
inner join tab2 t2
on t1.col1 = t2.col1
inner join tab3 t3
on t1.col1 = t3.col1
and t2.col1 = t3.col1



(12)3 Leading(( (t1 t2) t3 )) HashJoin(t1 t2) HashJoin(t1 t2 t3)
1(23) Leading(( t1 (t2 t3) )) HashJoin(t2 t3) HashJoin(t1 t2 t3)

(13)2 Leading(( (t1 t3) t2 )) HashJoin(t1 t3) HashJoin(t1 t3 t2)
1(32) Leading(( t1 (t3 t2) )) HashJoin(t3 t2) HashJoin(t1 t3 t2)

(21)3 Leading(( (t2 t1) t3 )) HashJoin(t2 t1) HashJoin(t2 t1 t3)
2(13) Leading(( t2 (t1 t3) )) HashJoin(t1 t3) HashJoin(t2 t1 t3)

(23)1 Leading(( (t2 t3) t1 )) HashJoin(t2 t3) HashJoin(t2 t3 t1)
2(31) Leading(( t2 (t3 t1) )) HashJoin(t3 t1) HashJoin(t2 t3 t1)

(31)2 Leading(( (t3 t1) t2 )) HashJoin(t3 t1) HashJoin(t3 t1 t2)
3(12) Leading(( t3 (t1 t2) )) HashJoin(t1 t2) HashJoin(t3 t1 t2)

(32)1 Leading(( (t3 t2) t1 )) HashJoin(t3 t2) HashJoin(t3 t2 t1)
3(21) Leading(( t3 (t2 t1) )) HashJoin(t2 t1) HashJoin(t3 t2 t1)


NLについても、ヒント句でLeft-deep JoinとRight-deep Joinの制御は可能。実用性は全くないが。


調べた限り、Left-deep JoinとRight-deep Joinを制御する方法なし