-- データ準備
drop table tab1;
drop table tab2;
drop table tab3;
create table tab1(col1 int,col2 int);
create table tab2(col1 int,col2 int);
create table tab3(col1 int,col2 int);
drop procedure proc1;
delimiter //
create procedure proc1(in x int)
declare i int;
set i = 0;
start transaction;
while i < x do
set i = i + 1;
insert into tab1 values(i,mod(i,10) );
insert into tab2 values(i,mod(i,10) );
insert into tab3 values(i,mod(i,10) );
end while;
delimiter ;
call proc1(100000);
analyze table tab1;
analyze table tab2;
analyze table tab3;
-- 確認
select /*+ JOIN_PREFIX(t1, t2, t3) NO_BNL(t1, t2, t3) */
from tab1 t1
inner join tab2 t2
on t1.col1 = t2.col1
inner join tab3 t3
on t1.col1 = t3.col1
and t2.col1 = t3.col1
show warnings;
explain format=tree
select /*+ JOIN_PREFIX(t1, t2, t3) NO_BNL(t1, t2, t3) */
from tab1 t1
inner join tab2 t2
on t1.col1 = t2.col1
inner join tab3 t3
on t1.col1 = t3.col1
and t2.col1 = t3.col1
-- 結果
/*+ JOIN_PREFIX(t1, t2, t3) NO_BNL(t2) NO_BNL(t3) */ => OK
/*+ JOIN_PREFIX(t1, t2, t3) NO_BNL(t2, t3) */ => OK
-- データ準備
drop table tab1 purge;
drop table tab2 purge;
drop table tab3 purge;
create table tab1(col1 int,col2 int);
create table tab2(col1 int,col2 int);
create table tab3(col1 int,col2 int);
for i in 1..100000 loop
insert into tab1 values(i,mod(i,10) );
insert into tab2 values(i,mod(i,10) );
insert into tab3 values(i,mod(i,10) );
end loop;
execute dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('TEST','TAB1');
execute dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('TEST','TAB2');
execute dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('TEST','TAB3');
-- 確認
explain plan for
select /*+ LEADING(t1 t2 t3) USE_NL(t2) USE_NL(t3) */
from tab1 t1
inner join tab2 t2
on t1.col1 = t2.col1
inner join tab3 t3
on t1.col1 = t3.col1
and t2.col1 = t3.col1
select plan_table_output from table(dbms_xplan.display(format=>'ALL') );
-- 結果
/*+ LEADING(t1 t2 t3) USE_HASH(t2 t3) */ => OK
/*+ LEADING(t1 t2 t3) USE_HASH(t2) USE_HASH(t3) */ => OK
/*+ LEADING(t1 t2 t3) USE_NL(t2 t3) */ => OK
/*+ LEADING(t1 t2 t3) USE_NL(t2) USE_NL(t3) */ => OK
-- pg_hint_planインストール
sudo dnf install git
sudo dnf install rpm-build
git clone https://github.com/ossc-db/pg_hint_plan.git
cd pg_hint_plan
make PG_CONFIG=/usr/pgsql-15/bin/pg_config
sudo -E make PG_CONFIG=/usr/pgsql-15/bin/pg_config install
CREATE EXTENSION pg_hint_plan;
vim postgresql.conf
shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_hint_plan'
sudo systemctl restart postgresql-15
-- データ準備
drop table tab1 CASCADE;
drop table tab2 CASCADE;
drop table tab3 CASCADE;
create table tab1(col1 int,col2 int);
create table tab2(col1 int,col2 int);
create table tab3(col1 int,col2 int);
insert into tab1 select generate_series(1,100000),mod(generate_series(1,100000),10);
insert into tab2 select generate_series(1,100000),mod(generate_series(1,100000),10);
insert into tab3 select generate_series(1,100000),mod(generate_series(1,100000),10);
\timing 1
\pset pager 0
set pg_hint_plan.debug_print = on;
analyze tab1;
analyze tab2;
analyze tab3;
-- 確認
/*+ Leading(( (t1 t2) t3 ) ) HashJoin(t1 t2) HashJoin(t1 t2 t3) */
select t1.col1,t1.col2,t2.col1,t2.col2,t3.col1,t3.col2
from tab1 t1
inner join tab2 t2
on t1.col1 = t2.col1
inner join tab3 t3
on t1.col1 = t3.col1
and t2.col1 = t3.col1
-- 結果
/*+ Leading(( (t1 t2) t3 ) ) HashJoin(t1 t2) HashJoin(t1 t2 t3) */ => OK
/*+ Leading(( (t1 t2) t3 ) ) HashJoin(t1 t2) HashJoin(t2 t3) */ => NG
/*+ Leading(( (t1 t2) t3 ) ) HashJoin(t1 t2) HashJoin(t1 t3) */ => NG
/*+ Leading(( (t1 t2) t3 ) ) HashJoin(t2) HashJoin(t3) */ => NG
/*+ Leading(( (t1 t2) t3 ) ) NestLoop(t1 t2) NestLoop(t1 t2 t3) */ => OK
/*+ Leading(( (t1 t2) t3 ) ) NestLoop(t1 t2) NestLoop(t2 t3) */ => NG
/*+ Leading(( (t1 t2) t3 ) ) NestLoop(t1 t2) NestLoop(t1 t3) */ => NG
/*+ Leading(( (t1 t2) t3 ) ) NestLoop(t2) NestLoop(t3) */ => NG
OPTION (LOOP JOIN)などのクエリヒントは対象テーブルを指定できず、クエリの全結合が対象となる
3テーブル以上で個別に制御する場合は、ANSI-style join hintを使用する