Azure Cosmos DB には、5 種類の API が用意されています。
Azure Table
-- 1. 前作業
az login --use-device-code
az account show
az version
az configure --list-defaults
az configure --defaults location=japaneast
az configure --list-defaults
az group create \
--name rg01 \
--location japaneast
az group list
-- 2. Azure Cosmos DB アカウントの作成
az cosmosdb create \
--name cosmos123 \
--resource-group rg01 \
--default-consistency-level Eventual \
--enable-free-tier \
--enable-public-network true \
--locations regionName="japaneast" failoverPriority=0 isZoneRedundant=False \
--backup-policy-type Periodic \
--backup-redundancy Local \
--backup-interval 240 \
--backup-retention 8
az cosmosdb list \
--resource-group rg01
-- 3. データベースの作成
az cosmosdb sql database create \
--account-name cosmos123 \
--resource-group rg01 \
--name db01
az cosmosdb sql database list \
--account-name cosmos123 \
--resource-group rg01
-- 4. コンテナーの作成
az cosmosdb sql container create \
--account-name cosmos123 \
--resource-group rg01 \
--database-name db01 \
--name container01 \
--partition-key-path /pkey \
--throughput 400
az cosmosdb sql container list \
--account-name cosmos123 \
--resource-group rg01 \
--database-name db01
-- 5. Go アプリでのデータ更新
go mod init azcosmos
go get
az cosmosdb keys list \
--name cosmos123 \
--resource-group rg01
export AZURE_COSMOS_KEY=snVCUZAn6GYafpRMxDfkr+H/tQCzT2W4D27URjoOxs4IvM9hBurRhfRPWRitJQtYfNsLu12345sUpRxSgbpbBena
vim main.go
package main
import (
func main() {
endpoint := os.Getenv("AZURE_COSMOS_ENDPOINT")
if endpoint == "" {
log.Fatal("AZURE_COSMOS_ENDPOINT could not be found")
key := os.Getenv("AZURE_COSMOS_KEY")
if key == "" {
log.Fatal("AZURE_COSMOS_KEY could not be found")
var databaseName = "db02"
var containerName = "customer"
var partitionKey = "/customerId"
item := struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
CustomerId string `json:"customerId"`
Title string
FirstName string
LastName string
EmailAddress string
PhoneNumber string
CreationDate string
ID: "1",
CustomerId: "1",
Title: "Mr",
FirstName: "Luke",
LastName: "Hayes",
EmailAddress: "",
PhoneNumber: "879-555-0197",
cred, err := azcosmos.NewKeyCredential(key)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Failed to create a credential: ", err)
// Create a CosmosDB client
client, err := azcosmos.NewClientWithKey(endpoint, cred, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Failed to create Azure Cosmos DB db client: ", err)
err = createDatabase(client, databaseName)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("createDatabase failed: %s\n", err)
err = createContainer(client, databaseName, containerName, partitionKey)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("createContainer failed: %s\n", err)
err = createItem(client, databaseName, containerName, item.CustomerId, item)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("createItem failed: %s\n", err)
err = readItem(client, databaseName, containerName, item.CustomerId, item.ID)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("readItem failed: %s\n", err)
func createDatabase(client *azcosmos.Client, databaseName string) error {
// databaseName := "adventureworks"
databaseProperties := azcosmos.DatabaseProperties{ID: databaseName}
// This is a helper function that swallows 409 errors
errorIs409 := func(err error) bool {
var responseErr *azcore.ResponseError
return err != nil && errors.As(err, &responseErr) && responseErr.StatusCode == 409
ctx := context.TODO()
databaseResp, err := client.CreateDatabase(ctx, databaseProperties, nil)
switch {
case errorIs409(err):
log.Printf("Database [%s] already exists\n", databaseName)
case err != nil:
return err
log.Printf("Database [%v] created. ActivityId %s\n", databaseName, databaseResp.ActivityID)
return nil
func createContainer(client *azcosmos.Client, databaseName, containerName, partitionKey string) error {
// databaseName = adventureworks
// containerName = customer
// partitionKey = "/customerId"
databaseClient, err := client.NewDatabase(databaseName)
if err != nil {
return err
// creating a container
containerProperties := azcosmos.ContainerProperties{
ID: containerName,
PartitionKeyDefinition: azcosmos.PartitionKeyDefinition{
Paths: []string{partitionKey},
// this is a helper function that swallows 409 errors
errorIs409 := func(err error) bool {
var responseErr *azcore.ResponseError
return err != nil && errors.As(err, &responseErr) && responseErr.StatusCode == 409
// setting options upon container creation
throughputProperties := azcosmos.NewManualThroughputProperties(400) //defaults to 400 if not set
options := &azcosmos.CreateContainerOptions{
ThroughputProperties: &throughputProperties,
ctx := context.TODO()
containerResponse, err := databaseClient.CreateContainer(ctx, containerProperties, options)
switch {
case errorIs409(err):
log.Printf("Container [%s] already exists\n", containerName)
case err != nil:
return err
log.Printf("Container [%s] created. ActivityId %s\n", containerName, containerResponse.ActivityID)
return nil
func createItem(client *azcosmos.Client, databaseName, containerName, partitionKey string, item any) error {
// databaseName = "adventureworks"
// containerName = "customer"
// partitionKey = "1"
/* item = struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
CustomerId string `json:"customerId"`
Title string
FirstName string
LastName string
EmailAddress string
PhoneNumber string
CreationDate string
ID: "1",
CustomerId: "1",
Title: "Mr",
FirstName: "Luke",
LastName: "Hayes",
EmailAddress: "",
PhoneNumber: "879-555-0197",
CreationDate: "2014-02-25T00:00:00",
// create container client
containerClient, err := client.NewContainer(databaseName, containerName)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create a container client: %s", err)
// specifies the value of the partiton key
pk := azcosmos.NewPartitionKeyString(partitionKey)
b, err := json.Marshal(item)
if err != nil {
return err
// setting the item options upon creating ie. consistency level
itemOptions := azcosmos.ItemOptions{
ConsistencyLevel: azcosmos.ConsistencyLevelSession.ToPtr(),
// this is a helper function that swallows 409 errors
errorIs409 := func(err error) bool {
var responseErr *azcore.ResponseError
return err != nil && errors.As(err, &responseErr) && responseErr.StatusCode == 409
ctx := context.TODO()
itemResponse, err := containerClient.CreateItem(ctx, pk, b, &itemOptions)
switch {
case errorIs409(err):
log.Printf("Item with partitionkey value %s already exists\n", pk)
case err != nil:
return err
log.Printf("Status %d. Item %v created. ActivityId %s. Consuming %v Request Units.\n", itemResponse.RawResponse.StatusCode, pk, itemResponse.ActivityID, itemResponse.RequestCharge)
return nil
func readItem(client *azcosmos.Client, databaseName, containerName, partitionKey, itemId string) error {
// databaseName = "adventureworks"
// containerName = "customer"
// partitionKey = "1"
// itemId = "1"
// Create container client
containerClient, err := client.NewContainer(databaseName, containerName)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create a container client: %s", err)
// Specifies the value of the partiton key
pk := azcosmos.NewPartitionKeyString(partitionKey)
// Read an item
ctx := context.TODO()
itemResponse, err := containerClient.ReadItem(ctx, pk, itemId, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
itemResponseBody := struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
CustomerId string `json:"customerId"`
Title string
FirstName string
LastName string
EmailAddress string
PhoneNumber string
CreationDate string
err = json.Unmarshal(itemResponse.Value, &itemResponseBody)
if err != nil {
return err
b, err := json.MarshalIndent(itemResponseBody, "", " ")
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Printf("Read item with customerId %s\n", itemResponseBody.CustomerId)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", b)
log.Printf("Status %d. Item %v read. ActivityId %s. Consuming %v Request Units.\n", itemResponse.RawResponse.StatusCode, pk, itemResponse.ActivityID, itemResponse.RequestCharge)
return nil
go run main.go
-- 6. クリーンアップ
az group list
az group delete \
--name rg01 \