

個別キー数 = 100件でグループ化


drop table tab1;
create table tab1(
 col1 int
,col2 int
partition by hash(col1)
(partition p00,
 partition p01,
 partition p02,
 partition p03,
 partition p04,
 partition p05,
 partition p06,
 partition p07,
 partition p08,
 partition p09)


drop procedure proc1;

delimiter //
create procedure proc1()
declare i int;

set i = 1;
start transaction;
  while i <= 10000000 do
  insert into tab1 select floor(rand() * 10000000)+1,mod(floor(rand() * 10000000)+1,100);
  set i = i + 1;
  end while;

delimiter ;

call proc1();


select count(*) from tab1;
select count(*) from tab1 partition(p00);
select count(*) from tab1 partition(p01);
select count(*) from tab1 partition(p02);
select count(*) from tab1 partition(p03);
select count(*) from tab1 partition(p04);
select count(*) from tab1 partition(p05);
select count(*) from tab1 partition(p06);
select count(*) from tab1 partition(p07);
select count(*) from tab1 partition(p08);
select count(*) from tab1 partition(p09);

analyze table tab1;


explain format=tree
select col2,count(*) from tab1
group by col2
order by col2


explain format=tree
select A.col2,sum(A.cnt) from
select col2,count(*) cnt from tab1 partition(p00) group by col2
union all
select col2,count(*) cnt from tab1 partition(p01) group by col2
union all
select col2,count(*) cnt from tab1 partition(p02) group by col2
union all
select col2,count(*) cnt from tab1 partition(p03) group by col2
union all
select col2,count(*) cnt from tab1 partition(p04) group by col2
union all
select col2,count(*) cnt from tab1 partition(p05) group by col2
union all
select col2,count(*) cnt from tab1 partition(p06) group by col2
union all
select col2,count(*) cnt from tab1 partition(p07) group by col2
union all
select col2,count(*) cnt from tab1 partition(p08) group by col2
union all
select col2,count(*) cnt from tab1 partition(p09) group by col2
) A
group by A.col2
order by A.col2


-- 結果

5.97 sec

6.06 sec

5.92 sec





drop table tab1 purge;

create table tab1(
 col1 int
,col2 int
partition by hash(col1)
( partition p00
, partition p01
, partition p02
, partition p03
, partition p04
, partition p05
, partition p06
, partition p07
, partition p08
, partition p09


for i in 1..10000000 loop
  insert into tab1 select floor(dbms_random.value(1, 10000001) ), mod( floor(dbms_random.value(1, 10000001) ),100) from dual;
end loop;


set time on
set timing on


select count(*) from tab1;
select count(*) from tab1 partition(p00);
select count(*) from tab1 partition(p01);
select count(*) from tab1 partition(p02);
select count(*) from tab1 partition(p03);
select count(*) from tab1 partition(p04);
select count(*) from tab1 partition(p05);
select count(*) from tab1 partition(p06);
select count(*) from tab1 partition(p07);
select count(*) from tab1 partition(p08);
select count(*) from tab1 partition(p09);


exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(user, 'TAB1');

explain plan for
select col2,count(*) from tab1
group by col2
order by col2

select * from table(dbms_xplan.display(format=>'ALL') );

explain plan for
select A.col2,sum(A.cnt) from
select col2,count(*) cnt from tab1 partition(p00) group by col2
union all
select col2,count(*) cnt from tab1 partition(p01) group by col2
union all
select col2,count(*) cnt from tab1 partition(p02) group by col2
union all
select col2,count(*) cnt from tab1 partition(p03) group by col2
union all
select col2,count(*) cnt from tab1 partition(p04) group by col2
union all
select col2,count(*) cnt from tab1 partition(p05) group by col2
union all
select col2,count(*) cnt from tab1 partition(p06) group by col2
union all
select col2,count(*) cnt from tab1 partition(p07) group by col2
union all
select col2,count(*) cnt from tab1 partition(p08) group by col2
union all
select col2,count(*) cnt from tab1 partition(p09) group by col2
) A
group by A.col2
order by A.col2

-- 結果

経過: 00:00:01.50

経過: 00:00:00.51

経過: 00:00:01.55





drop table tab1 CASCADE;

create table tab1(
 col1 int
,col2 int
partition by hash(col1);

create table tab1p00 partition of tab1 for values with (modulus 10,remainder 0);
create table tab1p01 partition of tab1 for values with (modulus 10,remainder 1);
create table tab1p02 partition of tab1 for values with (modulus 10,remainder 2);
create table tab1p03 partition of tab1 for values with (modulus 10,remainder 3);
create table tab1p04 partition of tab1 for values with (modulus 10,remainder 4);
create table tab1p05 partition of tab1 for values with (modulus 10,remainder 5);
create table tab1p06 partition of tab1 for values with (modulus 10,remainder 6);
create table tab1p07 partition of tab1 for values with (modulus 10,remainder 7);
create table tab1p08 partition of tab1 for values with (modulus 10,remainder 8);
create table tab1p09 partition of tab1 for values with (modulus 10,remainder 9);


\pset pager 0
\d+ tab1


insert into tab1
select floor(random() * 10000000)+1
       , mod( (floor(random() * 10000000)+1)::int,100)
from generate_series(1,10000000)


select count(*) from tab1;
select count(*) from tab1p00;

analyze tab1;

explain analyze
select col2,count(*) from tab1
group by col2
order by col2

set enable_partitionwise_aggregate = on;
set enable_partitionwise_aggregate = off;
show  enable_partitionwise_aggregate;


explain analyze
select A.col2,sum(A.cnt) from
select col2,count(*) cnt from tab1p00 group by col2
union all
select col2,count(*) cnt from tab1p01 group by col2
union all
select col2,count(*) cnt from tab1p02 group by col2
union all
select col2,count(*) cnt from tab1p03 group by col2
union all
select col2,count(*) cnt from tab1p04 group by col2
union all
select col2,count(*) cnt from tab1p05 group by col2
union all
select col2,count(*) cnt from tab1p06 group by col2
union all
select col2,count(*) cnt from tab1p07 group by col2
union all
select col2,count(*) cnt from tab1p08 group by col2
union all
select col2,count(*) cnt from tab1p09 group by col2
) A
group by A.col2
order by A.col2

-- 結果

パーティションテーブルで、enable_partitionwise_aggregate がoffの場合
 Planning Time: 0.112 ms
 Execution Time: 2743.284 ms

パーティションテーブルで、enable_partitionwise_aggregate がonの場合
 Planning Time: 0.174 ms
 Execution Time: 2137.928 ms


 Planning Time: 0.213 ms
 Execution Time: 2056.535 ms


 Planning Time: 0.051 ms
 Execution Time: 2075.723 ms





