drop table tab1;
create table tab1(
col1 bigint
,col2 bigint
drop table tab2;
create table tab2(
col1 bigint
,col2 bigint
drop table tab3;
create table tab3(
col1 bigint
,col2 bigint
drop procedure proc1;
delimiter //
create procedure proc1(in x int)
declare i int;
set i = 0;
start transaction;
while i < x do
set i = i + 1;
insert into tab1 values(
,floor(rand() * 10000)+1
insert into tab2 values(
,floor(rand() * 10000)+1
insert into tab3 values(
,floor(rand() * 10000)+1
end while;
delimiter ;
call proc1(100000);
select count(*) from tab1;
select * from tab1 order by rand() limit 20;
alter table tab1 add constraint tab1pk primary key (col1);
create index ind12 on tab1(col2);
select count(*) from tab2;
select * from tab2 order by rand() limit 20;
alter table tab2 add constraint tab2pk primary key (col1);
create index ind22 on tab2(col2);
select count(*) from tab3;
select * from tab3 order by rand() limit 20;
alter table tab3 add constraint tab3pk primary key (col1);
create index ind32 on tab3(col2);
analyze table tab1;
analyze table tab2;
analyze table tab3;
create or replace view view11 as
select /*+ NO_JOIN_INDEX(t21) NO_JOIN_INDEX(t22) BNL(t21,t22) */ t21.col2 from tab2 t21 inner join tab3 t22
on t21.col1 = t22.col1
where t21.col2 < 5000
group by t21.col2
having count(t22.col2) > 100
create or replace view view21 as
select /*+ NO_JOIN_INDEX(t31) NO_JOIN_INDEX(t32) BNL(t31,t32) */ t31.col2 from tab2 t31 inner join tab3 t32
on t31.col1 = t32.col1
--2. 動作確認
select /*+ JOIN_PREFIX(t1, t31) NO_BNL(t1, t31) */ count(*) from tab1 t1
inner join view11 t2
on t1.col2 = t2.col2
inner join view21 t3
on t1.col2 = t3.col2
show warnings;
-- ビュー名を指定
/*+ JOIN_PREFIX(t1, t2) NO_BNL(t1, t2) */ → 実行計画変化なし
/*+ JOIN_PREFIX(t1, t3) NO_BNL(t1, t3) */ → 実行計画変化なし
-- ビュー内部名を本体に指定
/*+ JOIN_PREFIX(t1, t2) NO_BNL(t1, t21) */ → Unresolved の警告
/*+ JOIN_PREFIX(t1, t31) NO_BNL(t1, t31) */ → Unresolved の警告
-- 1. テストデータ作成
drop table tab1 purge;
create table tab1(
col1 int
,col2 int
drop table tab2 purge;
create table tab2(
col1 int
,col2 int
drop table tab3 purge;
create table tab3(
col1 int
,col2 int
for i in 1..1000000 loop
insert into tab1 values(
,floor(dbms_random.value(1, 10001) )
insert into tab2 values(
,floor(dbms_random.value(1, 10001) )
insert into tab3 values(
,floor(dbms_random.value(1, 10001) )
end loop;
select count(*) from tab1;
select * from tab1 order by dbms_random.value() fetch first 20 rows only;
alter table tab1 add constraint tab1pk primary key (col1);
create index ind12 on tab1(col2);
select count(*) from tab2;
select * from tab2 order by dbms_random.value() fetch first 20 rows only;
alter table tab2 add constraint tab2pk primary key (col1);
create index ind22 on tab2(col2);
select count(*) from tab3;
select * from tab3 order by dbms_random.value() fetch first 20 rows only;
alter table tab3 add constraint tab3pk primary key (col1);
create index ind32 on tab3(col2);
set time on
set timing on
exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(user,'TAB1');
exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(user,'TAB2');
exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(user,'TAB3');
create or replace view view11 as
select t21.col2 from tab2 t21 inner join tab3 t22
on t21.col1 = t22.col1
where t21.col2 < 5000
group by t21.col2
having count(t22.col2) > 100
create or replace view view12 as
select t21.col2 from tab2 t21 , tab3 t22
where t21.col1 = t22.col1
and t21.col2 < 5000
group by t21.col2
having count(t22.col2) > 100
create or replace view view21 as
select t31.col2 from tab2 t31 inner join tab3 t32
on t31.col1 = t32.col1
create or replace view view22 as
select t31.col2 from tab2 t31 , tab3 t32
where t31.col1 = t32.col1
--2. 動作確認
explain plan for
select /*+ USE_HASH( T21 ) */ count(*) from tab1 t1
inner join
view11 t2
on t1.col2 = t2.col2
inner join
view21 t3
on t1.col2 = t3.col2
select * from table(dbms_xplan.display(format=>'ALL') );
--1.1 問合せブロック付きヒント(システム生成)
/*+ LEADING(t1 T31@SEL$5) USE_NL( T31@SEL$5 ) */ →OK
/*+ USE_HASH( T21@SEL$2) */ →Unresolved
--1.2 グローバル・ヒント
/*+ LEADING(t1 T31@SEL$5) USE_NL(t3.t31 ) */ →グローバルヒントが認識されない ★
--1.3 ビュー名を指定
/*+ LEADING(t1 T31@SEL$5) USE_NL( T3 ) */ →Unused
/*+ USE_HASH( T2 ) */ →OK
--1.4 ビュー内部名を指定
/*+ LEADING(t1 T31@SEL$5) USE_NL( T31 ) */ →Unresolved
/*+ USE_HASH( T21 ) */ →Unresolved
explain plan for
select /*+ USE_HASH( T21 ) */ count(*) from tab1 t1
,view12 t2
,view22 t3
where t1.col2 = t2.col2
and t1.col2 = t3.col2
select * from table(dbms_xplan.display(format=>'ALL') );
--2.1 問合せブロック付きヒント(システム生成)
/*+ LEADING(t1 T31@SEL$3) USE_NL( T31@SEL$3 ) */ →OK
/*+ USE_HASH( T21@SEL$2 ) */ →Unresolved
--2.2 グローバル・ヒント
/*+ LEADING(t1 T31@SEL$3) USE_NL(t3.t31 ) */ →OK
--2.3 ビュー名を指定
/*+ LEADING(t1 T31@SEL$3) USE_NL( T3 ) */ →Unused
/*+ USE_HASH( T2 ) */ →OK
--2.4 ビュー内部名を指定
/*+ LEADING(t1 T31@SEL$3) USE_NL( T31 ) */ →Unresolved
/*+ USE_HASH( T21 ) */ →Unresolved
-- 1. テストデータ作成
drop table tab1;
create table tab1(
col1 bigint
,col2 bigint
drop table tab2;
create table tab2(
col1 bigint
,col2 bigint
drop table tab3;
create table tab3(
col1 bigint
,col2 bigint
start transaction;
insert into tab1 select
,floor(random() * 10000)+1
from generate_series(1,1000000) g;
start transaction;
insert into tab2 select
,floor(random() * 10000)+1
from generate_series(1,1000000) g;
start transaction;
insert into tab3 select
,floor(random() * 10000)+1
from generate_series(1,1000000) g;
select count(*) from tab1;
select * from tab1 order by random() limit 20;
alter table tab1 add constraint tab1pk primary key (col1);
create index ind12 on tab1(col2);
select count(*) from tab2;
select * from tab2 order by random() limit 20;
alter table tab2 add constraint tab2pk primary key (col1);
create index ind22 on tab2(col2);
select count(*) from tab3;
select * from tab3 order by random() limit 20;
alter table tab3 add constraint tab3pk primary key (col1);
create index ind32 on tab3(col2);
\timing 1
\pset pager 0
set pg_hint_plan.debug_print = on;
analyze tab1;
analyze tab2;
analyze tab3;
create or replace view view11 as
select t21.col2 from tab2 t21 inner join tab3 t22
on t21.col1 = t22.col1
where t21.col2 < 5000
group by t21.col2
having count(t22.col2) > 100
create or replace view view21 as
select t31.col2 from tab2 t31 inner join tab3 t32
on t31.col1 = t32.col1
--2. 動作確認
/*+ HashJoin(t1 t21) */
select count(*) from tab1 t1
inner join
view11 t2
on t1.col2 = t2.col2
inner join
view21 t3
on t1.col2 = t3.col2
-- ビュー名を指定
/*+ MergeJoin(t1 t3) */ → not used hint
/*+ HashJoin(t2 t1) */ → used hint
-- ビュー内部名を本体に指定
/*+ Leading(t1 t31) NestLoop(t1 t31) */ → used hint
/*+ HashJoin(t1 t21) */ → not used hint
SQL Serverは調査観点なし