

※ recursiveが必要

with recursive t1(col1) as(
select 1
union all
select col1+1
from t1
where col1+1 <= 100
select col1 from t1




※ recursiveは不要

with t1(col1) as(
select 1 from dual
union all
select col1+1
from t1
where col1+1 <= 100
select col1 from t1

※ recursiveが必要

with recursive t1(col1) as(
select 1
union all
select col1+1
from t1
where col1+1 <= 100
select col1 from t1




※ recursiveは不要

with t1(col1) as(
select 1
union all
select col1+1
from t1
where col1+1 <= 100
select col1 from t1