

select * from user_tables where table_name ='TAB1';

create table tab1(col1 int);
create table if not exists tab1(col1 int);
→「create table if not exists」は未対応

drop table tab1;
drop table if exists tab1;
→「drop table if exists」は未対応

select * from user_indexes where index_name ='IND1';

create index ind1 on tab1(col1);
create index if not exists ind1 on tab1(col1);
→「create index if not exists」は未対応

drop index ind1;
drop index if exists ind1;
→「drop index if exists」は未対応





select * from user_tables where table_name ='TAB1';

create table tab1(col1 int);
create table if not exists tab1(col1 int);

drop table tab1;
drop table if exists tab1;


select * from user_indexes where index_name ='IND1';

create index ind1 on tab1(col1);
create index if not exists ind1 on tab1(col1);

drop index ind1;
drop index if exists ind1;



show tables like 'tab1';

create table tab1(col1 int);
create table if not exists tab1(col1 int);

drop table tab1;
drop table if exists tab1;

show index in tab1;

create index ind1 on tab1(col1);
create index if not exists ind1 on tab1(col1);
→「create index if not exists」は未対応

drop index ind1 on tab1;
drop index if exists ind1 on tab1;
→「drop index if exists」は未対応


show tables like 'tab1';

create table tab1(col1 int);
create table if not exists tab1(col1 int);

drop table tab1;
drop table if exists tab1;

show index in tab1;

create index ind1 on tab1(col1);
create index if not exists ind1 on tab1(col1);
→「create index if not exists」は未対応

drop index ind1 on tab1;
drop index if exists ind1 on tab1;
→「drop index if exists」は未対応



\dt tab1;

create table tab1(col1 int);
create table if not exists tab1(col1 int);

drop table tab1;
drop table if exists tab1;

\di ind1;

create index ind1 on tab1(col1);
create index if not exists ind1 on tab1(col1);
→「create index if not exists」は未対応

drop index ind1;
drop index if exists ind1;


\dt tab1;

create table tab1(col1 int);
create table if not exists tab1(col1 int);

drop table tab1;
drop table if exists tab1;

\di ind1;

create index ind1 on tab1(col1);
create index if not exists ind1 on tab1(col1);

drop index ind1;
drop index if exists ind1;


select * from sys.tables where name ='tab1';

create table tab1(col1 int);
create table if not exists tab1(col1 int);
→「create table if not exists」は未対応

drop table tab1;
drop table if exists tab1;
→「drop table if exists」は未対応


select * from sys.indexes where name = 'ind1';

create index ind1 on tab1(col1);
create index if not exists ind1 on tab1(col1);
→「create index if not exists」は未対応

drop index ind1 on tab1;
drop index if exists ind1 on tab1;
→「drop index if exists」は未対応

select * from sys.tables where name ='tab1';

create table tab1(col1 int);
create table if not exists tab1(col1 int);
→「create table if not exists」は未対応

drop table tab1;
drop table if exists tab1;


select * from sys.indexes where name = 'ind1';

create index ind1 on tab1(col1);
create index if not exists ind1 on tab1(col1);
→「create index if not exists」は未対応

drop index ind1 on tab1;
drop index if exists ind1 on tab1;


select * from sys.tables where name ='tab1';

create table tab1(col1 int);
create table if not exists tab1(col1 int);
→「create table if not exists」は未対応

drop table tab1;
drop table if exists tab1;


select * from sys.indexes where name = 'ind1';

create index ind1 on tab1(col1);
create index if not exists ind1 on tab1(col1);
→「create index if not exists」は未対応

create index ind1 on tab1(col1) WITH ( DROP_EXISTING = ON );

create index ind1 on tab1(col1) WITH ( DROP_EXISTING = OFF );

drop index ind1 on tab1;
drop index if exists ind1 on tab1;