


set time on
set timing on

drop table tab1 purge;
create table tab1(col1 int,col2 int,col3 int);
alter table tab1 add constraint tab1p primary key (col1);

for i in 1..1000000 loop
insert into tab1 values(i,i,i);
end loop;



update tab1 set col2 = col2+1;


create index ind2 on tab1(col2);
→ORA-00054: リソース・ビジー。NOWAITが指定されているか、タイムアウトしました

create index ind2 on tab1(col2) online;



update tab1 set col2 = col2+1;


create index ind3 on tab1(col3);
→ORA-00054: リソース・ビジー。NOWAITが指定されているか、タイムアウトしました

create index ind3 on tab1(col3) online;



update tab1 set col2 = col2+1;


alter index ind2 rebuild;
→ORA-00054: リソース・ビジー。NOWAITが指定されているか、タイムアウトしました

alter index ind2 rebuild online;



update tab1 set col2 = col2+1;


alter index ind3 rebuild;
→ORA-00054: リソース・ビジー。NOWAITが指定されているか、タイムアウトしました

alter index ind3 rebuild online;

set time on
set timing on

drop table tab1 purge;
create table tab1(col1 int,col2 int,col3 int);
alter table tab1 add constraint tab1p primary key (col1);

for i in 1..10000000 loop
insert into tab1 values(i,i,i);
end loop;



create index ind2 on tab1(col2);
create index ind2 on tab1(col2) online;



update tab1 set col2 = col2+1 where col1 = floor(dbms_random.value(1, 10000001));




create index ind3 on tab1(col3);
create index ind3 on tab1(col3) online;


update tab1 set col2 = col2+1 where col1 = floor(dbms_random.value(1, 10000001));


alter index ind2 rebuild;
alter index ind2 rebuild online;


update tab1 set col2 = col2+1 where col1 = floor(dbms_random.value(1, 10000001));


alter index ind3 rebuild;
alter index ind3 rebuild online;


update tab1 set col2 = col2+1 where col1 = floor(dbms_random.value(1, 10000001));



drop table tab1;
create table tab1(col1 int,col2 int,col3 int);
alter table tab1 add constraint tab1p primary key(col1);

drop procedure proc1;

delimiter //
create procedure proc1()
declare i int;

set i = 1;

while i <= 1000000 do
insert into tab1 values(i,i,i);
set i = i + 1;
end while;
delimiter ;

call proc1();


start transaction;
update tab1 set col2 = col2+1;

create index ind2 on tab1(col2);


start transaction;
update tab1 set col2 = col2+1;

create index ind3 on tab1(col3);


start transaction;
update tab1 set col2 = col2+1;

alter table tab1 engine innodb;




drop table tab1;
create table tab1(col1 int,col2 int,col3 int);
alter table tab1 add constraint tab1p primary key(col1);

drop procedure proc1;

delimiter //
create procedure proc1()
declare i int;

set i = 1;

while i <= 10000000 do
insert into tab1 values(i,i,i);
set i = i + 1;
end while;
delimiter ;

call proc1();

create index ind2 on tab1(col2);

start transaction;
update tab1 set col2 = col2+1 where col1 = floor(rand() * 10000000)+1;



create index ind3 on tab1(col3);

start transaction;
update tab1 set col2 = col2+1 where col1 = floor(rand() * 10000000)+1;



alter table tab1 engine innodb;

start transaction;
update tab1 set col2 = col2+1 where col1 = floor(rand() * 10000000)+1;




drop table tab1;
create table tab1(col1 int,col2 int,col3 int);
create unique index ind1 on tab1(col1);
alter table tab1 add constraint tab1p primary key using index ind1;

insert into tab1 select generate_series(1,1000000),generate_series(1,1000000),generate_series(1,1000000);




start transaction;
update tab1 set col2 = col2+1;


create index ind2 on tab1(col2);

create index concurrently ind2 on tab1(col2);



start transaction;
update tab1 set col2 = col2+1;

create index ind3 on tab1(col3);

create index concurrently ind3 on tab1(col3);


start transaction;
update tab1 set col2 = col2+1;


time /usr/pgsql-9.4/bin/pg_repack -d test -i ind2



start transaction;
update tab1 set col2 = col2+1;


time /usr/pgsql-9.4/bin/pg_repack -d test -i ind3




drop table tab1;
create table tab1(col1 int,col2 int,col3 int);
create unique index ind1 on tab1(col1);
alter table tab1 add constraint tab1p primary key using index ind1;

insert into tab1 select generate_series(1,10000000),generate_series(1,10000000),generate_series(1,10000000);



create index ind2 on tab1(col2);
create index concurrently ind2 on tab1(col2);


start transaction;
update tab1 set col2 = col2+1 where col1 = floor(random() * 10000000)+1;




create index ind3 on tab1(col3);
create index concurrently ind3 on tab1(col3);


start transaction;
update tab1 set col2 = col2+1 where col1 = floor(random() * 10000000)+1;




time /usr/pgsql-9.4/bin/pg_repack -d test -i ind2



start transaction;
update tab1 set col2 = col2+1 where col1 = floor(random() * 10000000)+1;



time /usr/pgsql-9.4/bin/pg_repack -d test -i ind3

start transaction;
update tab1 set col2 = col2+1 where col1 = floor(random() * 10000000)+1;





drop table tab1;
create table tab1(col1 int not null,col2 int,col3 int);
alter table tab1 add constraint tab1p primary key(col1);

DECLARE @i integer;
SET @i = 1;
WHILE @i <= 10000000
insert into tab1 values(@i,@i,@i);
SET @i = @i + 1;



begin transaction;
update tab1 set col2 = col2+1;

create index ind2 on tab1(col2);

create index ind2 on tab1(col2) with ( online = on );


begin transaction;
update tab1 set col2 = col2+1;

create index ind3 on tab1(col3);

create index ind3 on tab1(col3) with ( online = on );


begin transaction;
update tab1 set col2 = col2+1 where col1 = floor(rand() * 10000000)+1;

alter index ind2 on tab1 rebuild;


alter index ind2 on tab1 rebuild with ( online = on );



begin transaction;
update tab1 set col2 = col2+1 where col1 = floor(rand() * 10000000)+1;

alter index ind3 on tab1 rebuild;


alter index ind3 on tab1 rebuild with ( online = on );






create index ind2 on tab1(col2);
create index ind2 on tab1(col2) with ( online = on );



begin transaction;
update tab1 set col2 = col2+1 where col1 = floor(rand() * 10000000)+1;
※インデックス作成時にwith( online = on )オプションを付与すると待ちにならない



create index ind3 on tab1(col3);
create index ind3 on tab1(col3) with ( online = on );



begin transaction;
update tab1 set col2 = col2+1 where col1 = floor(rand() * 10000000)+1;
※インデックス作成時にwith( online = on )オプションを付与すると待ちにならない



alter index ind2 on tab1 rebuild;
alter index ind2 on tab1 rebuild with ( online = on );


begin transaction;
update tab1 set col2 = col2+1 where col1 = floor(rand() * 10000000)+1;

※インデックスリビルド時にwith( online = on )オプションを付与すると待ちにならない


alter index ind3 on tab1 rebuild;
alter index ind3 on tab1 rebuild with ( online = on );


begin transaction;
update tab1 set col2 = col2+1 where col1 = floor(rand() * 10000000)+1;

※インデックスリビルド時にwith( online = on )オプションを付与すると待ちにならない